Explore the depths of the Angular framework and advanced practices.
Introduction to Angular
- Angular Environment Setup
- Angular Project Structure
Angular Components & Data Binding
- Introduction to Angular Component
- Data Binding in Angular
- Introduction to Modules in Angular
- Featured modules in angular
- Understanding @Input, @Output and EventEmitter in Angular
- Loading Component dynamically in Angular
Angular Directives & Pipes
- Structural Directives in Angular
- Angular Custom Directive
- Creating Custom Pipes in Angular
- Angular Architecture - Featured and Presentation Components
- Async pipe in Angular
Angular Services
- Angular Services
- Dependency Injection in Angular
- Angular HTTP Client
- HttpIntercepter in Angular
RXJS & Observables
- RXJS Observables
- switchMap in rxjs
- concatMap in rxjs
- forkJoin
Angular Routes & Navigation
- Routing and Navigation in Angular
Angular Forms
- Reactive Forms in Angular
- Custom Validators in Angular
Other Topics
- Switching between templates in angular
- Content projection in Angular
- Create Reusable Confirmation Dialog Box in Angular
- Getting started with Angular Material
ANGULAR Tutorials
- CanActivate and CanDeAactivate in Angular